Professional Development Hours Requirements
Registrants of the DigiKey Continuing Education Center, presented by Design News, are eligible to earn IEEE Professional Development Hours by fulfilling the following requirements.
You will qualify for 10 IEEE Professional Development Hours when you meet all of the following criteria:
- Attend two courses live during a semester. Hours cannot be earned if you attend the archived/on-demand version of the course. You must attend it live.
- Attend four out of the five classes that comprise each course you are seeking credit for.
- Actively participate in questions posed to the audience by the lecturer during the live presentation.
- Complete one course evaluation form within two weeks of the last day of each course you attend. You only need to complete this survey once for each course you attend. This evaluation is available within the audience console of each class you attend.
A certificate for your IEEE Professional Development Hours will be emailed to you as a PDF file within two months of the semester end date.
While you must attend a minimum of two courses per semester to receive IEEE Professional Development Hours, you can attend more courses and earn additional hours per the following:
- If you attend two courses and fulfill all of the above criteria, you will receive 10 hours.
- If you attend three courses and fulfill all of the above criteria, you will receive 15 hours.
- If you attend four courses and fulfill all of the above criteria, you will receive 20 hours.
- If you attend five courses and fulfill all of the above criteria, you will receive 25 hours.
- If you attend six courses and fulfill all of the above criteria, you will receive 30 hours.
Note: a semester is six months in length. January through June is one semester and July through December is one semester. There are six courses per semester.