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CEC Semester Nineteen 2021

PLC-HMI Automation Applications

Dr. Don Wilcher -
Director of Manufacturing and Technology at Jefferson State Community College
May 24,
PLC Overview: Ladder Logic Program: Hello World
In this introduction sessionthe PLC Architecture will be presented. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61131-3Structured Text (ST) languagewill be introduced along with the explanation of logic operators. Alsothe discussion on building an Arduino PLC using off-the-shelf components will be presented. Attendees will learn how to install the plcLib library within the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming the Arduino Mega2560 prototyping board. A basic Ladder Logic Hello World device will be the introductory plcLib application programmed for the Arduino Mega2560.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
MAXREFDES46#: 4-Chan Analog Input/Output PLC - Reference Design
Creating a Custom Wireless Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) - Article
What Is a PLC? - Blog
May 25,
Writing plcLib Applications
Day 2 will allow attendees to explore the plcLib writing style through Ladder Logic-based control circuit applications. Basic logic gates (ANDORand NOT) will be investigated through a series of hands-on plcLib lab activities. Alsothe concepts of testingtroubleshootingand debugging plcLib-based Ladder Logic control circuits and programs using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor will be discussed.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
MAXREFDES46#: 4-Chan Analog Input/Output PLC - Reference Design
Creating a Custom Wireless Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) - Article
What Is a PLC? - Blog
May 26,
plcLib Timers
Day 3 will allow attendees to explore and learn about plcLib Timers. The two basic types of plcLib timer functionstimerOn() and timerOff()will be investigated. Attendees will learn how to use timerOn() for switch debounce and timerOff() control device turn off applications.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
MAXREFDES46#: 4-Chan Analog Input/Output PLC - Reference Design
Creating a Custom Wireless Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) - Article
What Is a PLC? - Blog
May 27,
HMI Fundamentals Part 1: Automation Control and Firmata
The HMI allows machine designers to design control interfaces that are intuitive to the operator. The HMI is a critical component to the machine operator's success in running the designated automation properly and efficiently. Thereforethe User Experience (UX) of the HMI is an important aspect of the machine's operation. In this sessionattendees will explore a method of automation control using Firmata. A desktop personal computer (PC) or laptop computer along with Firmata will allow attendees to read sensor data and control a Servo motor using this computer-based HMI software.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
MAXREFDES46#: 4-Chan Analog Input/Output PLC - Reference Design
Creating a Custom Wireless Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) - Article
What Is a PLC? - Blog
May 28,
HMI Fundamentals Part 1: The TFT LCD Touch Screen
This final session is a continuation of Day 4 discussions on HMI Fundamentals. Attendees will learn about TFT LCD touch screen capabilities through a series of hands-on lab activities. The final lab project of this weeklong course will allow attendees to build a simple HMI controller using the Arduino Mega2560 electronics prototyping board and an Elegoo TFT LCD Resistive touch screen.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
MAXREFDES46#: 4-Chan Analog Input/Output PLC - Reference Design
Creating a Custom Wireless Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) - Article
What Is a PLC? - Blog
Dr. Don Wilcher
Director of Manufacturing and Technology at Jefferson State Community College

Dr. Don Wilcher, an Electrical Engineer, is an Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa), a Technical Education Researcher, Instructor, Maker, Emerging Technology Lecturer, Electronics Project writer, and Book Author. His Learn Electronics with Arduino book, published by Apress, has been cited 80 times in academic journals and referenced on patents.

He is the Director of Manufacturing and Technology at Jefferson State Community College. His research interest is Embedded Controls, Robotics Education, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence applications and their impact on Personalized Learning, Competency-Based Models curriculum, and instructional development in Mechatronics, Automation, IoT, Electronics, Robotics, and Industrial Maintenance Technologies. He is also the Founder and owner of MaDon Research LLC, an instructional technology consulting, technical training, and electronics project writing company serving Electronics Marketing Media, Technical and Engineering Education companies.