CEC Semenster Undefined
Pick (& Implement) the Right PIC MCU
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CEC Archives | CEC Semenster Undefined | Pick (& Implement) the Right PIC MCU
March 24,
Implementing PIC Serial-Based Peripherals
ToDay's lecture will focus on the real-world application of the various PIC microcontroller native serial peripherals. SPI, I2C, and USART hardware reference designs and their associated firmware drivers will be examined in detail.
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March 25,
The Multilingual PIC Microcontroller
Although PIC assembler is still the programming language of choice in some projects, applications for the modern PIC MCU can also be forged using BASIC and C. ToDay's discussion will focus on programming techniques involving assembler, PICBASIC Pro, CCS C, and Microchip's X series of C compilers.
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March 26,
Embedded USB the PIC Way
USB host and device designs are the lecture topics of the Day. ToDay we will implement USB host and USB device hardware designs, which are entirely based on PIC microcontroller USB engines.
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March 27,
Embedded Ethernet the PIC Way
A variety of scalable embedded Ethernet solutions are available. In toDay's lecture we will implement a number of Ethernet hardware designs, which are based on Ethernet-enabled PIC microcontrollers and external MAC/PHY devices.
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March 28,
WiFi the PIC Way
ToDay we will implement an embedded WiFi solution using a 32-bit PIC microcontroller and the Harmony development environment.
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