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CEC Semester Nineteen 2021

MicroPython Embedded Applications

Dr. Don Wilcher -
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama - Birmingham
March 22,
BBC Micro:bit Overview: MicroPython Hello World
In this introduction sessionthe BBC Micro:bit Architecture will be presented. The Mu editor will be introduced along with an explanation of the Read-Eval-Print-Loop(REPL) interactive interpreter mode. Educational literature will be presented for embedded device concepts and MicroPython learning inspiration. Attendees will learn how to install the Mu editor for programming the BBC micro:bit. Hello World will be the introductory MicroPython application programmed for the micro:bit.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Intro to MicroPython - Tutorial - Video
Getting Started with the OpenMV Cam: Machine Vision with MicroPython - Digi-Key Electronics - Video
Use MicroPython in Microcontrollers - Blog
March 23,
MicroPython and Switches
This session will allow attendees to explore micro:bit's tactile switches through MicroPython coding. The two tactile switches will be investigated through a series of hands-on MicroPython lab activities. The concept of testing the micro:bit tactile switches for displaying text and images will be discussed. A MicroPython event loop for improving the switches functionality will be illustrated.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Intro to MicroPython - Tutorial - Video
Getting Started with the OpenMV Cam: Machine Vision with MicroPython - Digi-Key Electronics - Video
Use MicroPython in Microcontrollers - Blog
March 24,
Converting Blockly Code to MicroPython
On Day 3attendees will explore Blockly Code to MicroPython using a micro:bit Blink and Breathe application. Attendees will learn how to convert Blockly Code to MicroPython. The wiring of the micro:bit to a 3-watt LED will be presented.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Intro to MicroPython - Tutorial - Video
Getting Started with the OpenMV Cam: Machine Vision with MicroPython - Digi-Key Electronics - Video
Use MicroPython in Microcontrollers - Blog
March 25,
Day 4 -MicroPython Limit Detection Simulator
MicroPython will be demonstrated in this session. The application of detecting rotary or linear mechanical motion can be accomplished with the micro:bit and MicroPython. Mechanical limit detection of such physical motions can be accomplished with a limit switchmicro:bit. To illustratea limit detection simulator will be demonstrated. Attendees will learn how to wire and test a low-cost input device simulator using a mechanical limit switch and software
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Intro to MicroPython - Tutorial - Video
Getting Started with the OpenMV Cam: Machine Vision with MicroPython - Digi-Key Electronics - Video
Use MicroPython in Microcontrollers - Blog
March 26,
Electromechanical Relay Flasher
Attendees will build a simple electromechanical relay timer using a micro:bit and MicroPython. The operation of a transistor relay control circuit will be discussed. Basic electronic sensing and control applications will be discussed in this final session. Attendees will learn how to use electromechanical relays for operating high current electrical loads and devices. The Processing code operation will be discussed.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Intro to MicroPython - Tutorial - Video
Getting Started with the OpenMV Cam: Machine Vision with MicroPython - Digi-Key Electronics - Video
Use MicroPython in Microcontrollers - Blog
Dr. Don Wilcher
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama - Birmingham

Dr. Don Wilcher, an Electrical Engineer, is an Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa), a Technical Education Researcher, Instructor, Maker, Emerging Technology Lecturer, Electronics Project writer, and Book Author. His Learn Electronics with Arduino book, published by Apress, has been cited 80 times in academic journals and referenced on patents.

He is the Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama - Birmingham. His research interest is Embedded Controls, Robotics Education, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence applications and their impact on Personalized Learning, Competency-Based Models curriculum, and instructional development in Mechatronics, Automation, IoT, Electronics, Robotics, and Industrial Maintenance Technologies. He is also the Founder and owner of MaDon Research LLC, an instructional technology consulting, technical training, and electronics project writing company serving Electronics Marketing Media, Technical and Engineering Education companies.