CEC Semenster Undefined
MCU-based IoT Designs: Linear and Analog Peripherals - A Hands on Course
Warren Miller -
CEC Archives | CEC Semenster Undefined | MCU-based IoT Designs: Linear and Analog Peripherals - A Hands on Course
March 13,
An Introduction to MCU-based IoT Designs
MCUs are the bricks on which the IoT is being built. This class will provide the background needed to understand why MCUs are used and how common IoT functions are implemented.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Complete Sensor to Cloud IoT Development KitBuilding Automation Systems Benefit from the Oldest and Newest MicrocontrollersAnalog Devices EVAL-ADICUP360 Development Board Digi-Key DailyDownload Archive (mp3 - audio only)
March 14,
Analog to Digital Conversion for IoT Applications
This class will provide descriptions and examples of MCU-based ADC peripherals used in IoT applications. Hardware resources, constraints and limitations, and example designs will be described.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Complete Sensor to Cloud IoT Development KitBuilding Automation Systems Benefit from the Oldest and Newest MicrocontrollersAnalog Devices EVAL-ADICUP360 Development Board Digi-Key DailyDownload Archive (mp3 - audio only)
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Warren Miller