CEC Semester Twenty Two 2022
How to Select the Right Microcontroller for an Application
Jacob Beningo -
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
CEC Archives | CEC Semester Twenty Two 2022 | How to Select the Right Microcontroller for an Application
July 25,
The Microcontroller Industry Today
The number of microcontrollers available today is growingand the technologies available are vast. Microcontrollers are finding their way into cutting-edge applications using machine learning and into the most basic applications. In this sessionwe will explore the current state of the microcontroller industry. Attendees will learn what's available today and the various architectures as well as where the industry may be going in the next decade.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
A Novel Twist: Maxim Integrated Removes Risk of RISC-V with a Dual-Core Arm/RISC-V Microcontroller - Blog
Use an Energy Harvesting Microcontroller to Eliminate IoT Battery Replacement - Article
July 26,
MCU Selection Criteria
With so many microcontroller options available todayit can be difficult to find just the right one for an application. In this sessionwe will examine the various criteria that designers should consider when selecting their microcontroller. Attendees will walk away from this session with an unbiased process to help them evaluate whether a microcontroller is right for their application.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
A Novel Twist: Maxim Integrated Removes Risk of RISC-V with a Dual-Core Arm/RISC-V Microcontroller - Blog
Use an Energy Harvesting Microcontroller to Eliminate IoT Battery Replacement - Article
July 27,
The Modern MCU Selection Process
Microcontrollers are traditionally chosen by the electrical teambut today's products require that designers forgo tradition and allow software to drive their microcontroller selection. In this sessionwe will explore a modern process for selecting microcontrollers that leverages the core product differentiatorsoftware. Attendees will gain an understanding of the process for selecting a microcontroller for a modern product.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
A Novel Twist: Maxim Integrated Removes Risk of RISC-V with a Dual-Core Arm/RISC-V Microcontroller - Blog
Use an Energy Harvesting Microcontroller to Eliminate IoT Battery Replacement - Article
July 28,
Microcontroller Selection Use Cases
In this sessionwe will walk through several application examples on how to select the right microcontroller for an application. Attendees will see how to select a microcontroller for a machine-learning system and an IoT sensor node.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
A Novel Twist: Maxim Integrated Removes Risk of RISC-V with a Dual-Core Arm/RISC-V Microcontroller - Blog
Use an Energy Harvesting Microcontroller to Eliminate IoT Battery Replacement - Article
July 29,
Microcontroller Selection Best Practices
The criteriaprocessesand examples that we have covered in this course will provide many modern ideas on how to select a microcontroller. In this sessionwe will explore corner cases and additional considerations that are often overlooked. Attendees will walk away understanding how to choose the right microcontroller and ensure that it can scale for their future needs.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
A Novel Twist: Maxim Integrated Removes Risk of RISC-V with a Dual-Core Arm/RISC-V Microcontroller - Blog
Use an Energy Harvesting Microcontroller to Eliminate IoT Battery Replacement - Article

Jacob Beningo
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
Jacob Beningo is an embedded software consultant who currently works with clients in more than a dozen countries to dramatically transform their businesses by improving product quality, cost and time to market. He has published more than 300 articles on embedded software development techniques, has published several books, is a sought-after speaker and technical trainer and holds three degrees which include a Masters of Engineering from the University of Michigan.