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CEC Semenster Undefined

Hands-On Introduction to Industrial Controls

Dr. Don Wilcher -
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama - Birmingham
March 27,
PLC Basics, Velocio Software Setup, Project: Bit Instruction- ON/OFF Controller
This introductory session discusses the PLC Architecture, setting up the Velocio 'vBuilder” software and building a basic ON/OFF controller to operate piezo buzzer with LED indicator using the simulator stick.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Solutions for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) I/O Modules - PTM
Micro PLC: Cooler, Smaller, Faster - Video
Flexible PLC/DCS Analog Output Module Using Only Two Analog Components - Article
Download Archive (mp3 - audio only)
March 28,
PLC Bit Instruction Basics, Examine IF Open, Examine IF Close, Project: Bit Instruction- Logic Based Controllers
This class is a continuation of the introductory PLC Basics session with emphasis on Examine IF Open (XIO) and Examine IF Closed (XIC) bit instructions. Basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) will be discussed. Participants will learn to write Ladder Logic programs using logic gates to operate a solid state relay to control a small dc motor.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Solutions for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) I/O Modules - PTM
Micro PLC: Cooler, Smaller, Faster - Video
Flexible PLC/DCS Analog Output Module Using Only Two Analog Components - Article
Download Archive (mp3 - audio only)
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Dr. Don Wilcher
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama - Birmingham

Dr. Don Wilcher, an Electrical Engineer, is an Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa), a Technical Education Researcher, Instructor, Maker, Emerging Technology Lecturer, Electronics Project writer, and Book Author. His Learn Electronics with Arduino book, published by Apress, has been cited 80 times in academic journals and referenced on patents.

He is the Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama - Birmingham. His research interest is Embedded Controls, Robotics Education, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence applications and their impact on Personalized Learning, Competency-Based Models curriculum, and instructional development in Mechatronics, Automation, IoT, Electronics, Robotics, and Industrial Maintenance Technologies. He is also the Founder and owner of MaDon Research LLC, an instructional technology consulting, technical training, and electronics project writing company serving Electronics Marketing Media, Technical and Engineering Education companies.