CEC Semester Seventeen 2020
Getting Started with Secure Software
Jacob Beningo -
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
CEC Archives | CEC Semester Seventeen 2020 | Getting Started with Secure Software
April 20,
Introduction to Platform Security Architecture (PSA)
One of the biggest challenges facing embedded software developers that need to implement security is understanding how much security is needed. It's not uncommon to dramatically undershoot or overshoot the right amount which either leads to compromised devices or an overly expensive development cycle. In this sessionwe will discuss not just why security is necessary but the processes that can be followed to identify the right amount of security. Attendees will learn about the trade-offs that need to be made and how to leverage the Platform Security Architecture (PSA) processes to build out their own secure solution.
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April 21,
Performing a Security Threats Analysis
One common mistake that teams often make when attempting to secure their systems is to try to bolt security on at the end. A security threats analysis must be performed early in the development cycle in order to appropriately identify the assets that will be protectedthe threats those assets face and develop the requirements that will result to select the right hardware-based security solution. In this sessionwe are going to explore how to perform a security threats analysis that will result in security requirements for an example IoT device. Attendees will walk away with an understanding how to perform such an analysis on their systems.
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April 22,
Architecting a Secure Solution
Secure solutions are often achieved through layers of system isolation. There are several different technologies that developers can leverage to ensure that they are able to isolate their software successfully. In this sessionwe are going to examine the solutions that are available to isolate the run-time environment in microcontroller systems. Attendees will walk away understanding how to leverage multicore processors and hardware isolation using Arm TrustZone to develop a secure solution.
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April 23,
Secure Boot and the Root-of-Trust
Establishing a root-of-trust (RoT) and securely booting a system can be challenging for developers who are new to embedded security. These concepts form the bases of a secure solution and must be mastered. In this sessionwe will explore important concepts such as root-of-trustchain-of-trust and secure boot concepts including secure bootloader solutions. Attendees will learn about these critical concepts using the Cypress PSoC 64 Secure MCU's through provisioning and boot sequence as an example.
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April 24,
Secure Frameworks and Ecosystems
Implementing a secure solution from scratch can be intimidatingbut the fact is that developers dont have to start from scratch. There are several secure frameworks and solutions already available that developers can leverage in order to accelerate the secure software implementation. In this sessionwe are going to examine several security frameworks such as Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M). Attendees will be exposed to the TF-Mits capabilities and several other ecosystems and frameworks that will aid them in developing their own secure solutions.
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Jacob Beningo
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
Jacob Beningo is an embedded software consultant who currently works with clients in more than a dozen countries to dramatically transform their businesses by improving product quality, cost and time to market. He has published more than 300 articles on embedded software development techniques, has published several books, is a sought-after speaker and technical trainer and holds three degrees which include a Masters of Engineering from the University of Michigan.