CEC Semenster Undefined
Embedded System Design Techniques - Mastering the ARM Cortex-M Processor
Jacob Beningo -
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
CEC Archives | CEC Semenster Undefined | Embedded System Design Techniques - Mastering the ARM Cortex-M Processor
May 18,
Overview of STM32 ARM Cortex-M0+
This session will introduce the ARM Cortex-M family of processors, along with its features, instruction set and scalability. We will examine an STM32 Nucleo development kit utilizing a Cortex-M0+, along with how to set it up and use it for prototyping work. Attendees will walk away from this session with the knowledge to get the platform up and running.
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May 19,
Project Setup and Compilation
There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to compile that first empty project. These details are often ignored but absolutely critical to properly mapping out and optimizing a device. This session will examine how to create a project, set up a baseline, and modify the linker and processor memory map, in addition to elucidating the compiling process. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of the microcontroller boot sequence in addition to a working LED blink program.
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May 20,
ARM Cortex-M Architecture
This session will examine the intricate details of the ARM Cortex-M architecture. The register model and system control block will be explored in detail, in addition to useful core features such as the nested interrupt vector controller and the system tick. Attendees will leave with software examples on how to optimize bit manipulation and know how to set up a system scheduler using the system tick.
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May 21,
Writing Embedded Software with CMSIS
The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is becoming a critical component in the embedded software development toolkit. This session will walk you through CMSIS: What it is and why a developer would consider using it. An application example will give attendees the switch debounce code that can be implemented on their own development kits.
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May 22,
Low-Power Design Techniques
One of the most important features of the ARM Cortex-M processors is their extensive focus on low-power capabilities. This makes them perfect for battery-operated devices. This session will examine low-power design techniques such as energy profiling and measurement, in addition to unique features such as low-power modes, wait-for-interrupt, and sleep-on-exit . You will learn to implement a basic sleep function on their development kits.
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Jacob Beningo
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
Jacob Beningo is an embedded software consultant who currently works with clients in more than a dozen countries to dramatically transform their businesses by improving product quality, cost and time to market. He has published more than 300 articles on embedded software development techniques, has published several books, is a sought-after speaker and technical trainer and holds three degrees which include a Masters of Engineering from the University of Michigan.