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CEC Semester Eighteen 2020

Embedded Studio Primer

Fred Eady -
Owner, EDTP Electronics Inc. and Principal Engineer, Ongoing Systems LLC.
July 27,
Teensy Embedded Studio Conversion
ArduinoMicroPython and Raspbian (recently relabeled as Raspberry Pi OS)just to name a fewhave spawned a plethora of low-cost microcontroller boards. In most casesyou can purchase one of these inexpensive evaluation boards for much less than you can build a similar platform from scratch. Many of the microcontroller boards uniquely target a particular flavor of Arduino. For instancethe Teensy family of development boards are designed to run against a programming system called Teensyduino. Under the coversthe Teensy hardware is based on a basic implementation of the MK20DX256VLH7 ARM microcontroller. The Teensy also sports an on-board +3.3VDC regulator. The inclusion of the on-board power supply makes the Teensy ripe for reuse. In this coursewe will ween the Teensy away from its dependence on Teensyduino and prepare it for development with Embedded Studio.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Decreasing Cost Time to Market Professional Embedded Development Tools - Article
Creating the Ultimate Embedded Software Workbench - Article
Build an Effective Test Harness for Microcontroller Software - Article
July 28,
Embedded Studio and the STM32
Although STMicroelectronics is not an official SEGGER license partnerwe can still use a free full-featured version of Embedded Studio to develop STM32 firmware. There is an abundance of STM32 development boards out there and we will use a few of them to explore the STM32 side of Embedded Studio. We will also unleash the power of Embedded Studio on some home brewed STM32 boards. The commercial STM32 development boards are generally programmed and debugged using their on-board ST-Link system. We will walk through converting the STM32 development boards we use to interface with a SEGGER J-Link Pro. To assist our Embedded Studio STM32 firmware generationwe will employ the services of STM32CubeMX. The intent is to show how Embedded Studio and STM32CubeMX can work side-by-side in STM32 code generation.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Decreasing Cost Time to Market Professional Embedded Development Tools - Article
Creating the Ultimate Embedded Software Workbench - Article
Build an Effective Test Harness for Microcontroller Software - Article
July 29,
Nordic SDK and Embedded Studio
Nordic Semiconductor has tailored their new SDKs to operate seamlessly with Embedded Studio. I recall attempting to code for the Nordic devices some years back when Embedded Studio was called SES (SEGGER Embedded Studio). It workedbut it took a lot of work to get there. We will use our very own home brewed Nordic-based Bluetooth devices to bring up a basicbut usefulNordic Bluetooth application. On the Embedded Studio firmware sidewe will go step-by-step from the beginning to end.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Decreasing Cost Time to Market Professional Embedded Development Tools - Article
Creating the Ultimate Embedded Software Workbench - Article
Build an Effective Test Harness for Microcontroller Software - Article
July 30,
Microchip SAM Series
I was in the mix when Atmel and Microchip were going head to head. I was on the Microchip side as I became enamored with the PIC16C54 microcontroller. Years latermy first major Atmel project involved the ATMega128 AVR. The war ended when Microchip acquired Atmel. If you have used AVR and PIC microcontrollersyou know that they just dont taste the same. This is also true for Microchip's line of SAM AVR devices. The look like ARMthey smell like ARMbut they dont taste quite like STM32 ARM devices. In this coursewe are going to use our J-Link Pro to connect some Microchip SAM devices to Embedded Studio and cook up some SAM firmware.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Decreasing Cost Time to Market Professional Embedded Development Tools - Article
Creating the Ultimate Embedded Software Workbench - Article
Build an Effective Test Harness for Microcontroller Software - Article
July 31,
Nordic DFU
Nordic Semiconductor is an official SEGGER license partner. Unlike STMicroelectronics projectsthe Nordic Semiconductor projects we create can be commercial or non-commercial. One of the really cool features of the Nordic Bluetooth radio devices is the ability to update over the air. In this coursewith the help of the Nordic SDKwe will use Embedded Studio to generate a DFU (Device Firmware Update) application. In addition to the DFU firmware applicationwe will create our own Nordic-based Bluetooth device and use it to run our Embedded Studio-generated DFU application.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
Decreasing Cost Time to Market Professional Embedded Development Tools - Article
Creating the Ultimate Embedded Software Workbench - Article
Build an Effective Test Harness for Microcontroller Software - Article
Fred Eady
Owner, EDTP Electronics Inc. and Principal Engineer, Ongoing Systems LLC.

Fred Eady is the owner of EDTP Electronics Inc. and is the principal engineer at the Georgia branch of Ongoing Systems LLC. EDTP Electronics was established in 1988. In the meantime, Fred has written thousands of magazine articles. He has written for all of the major electronic magazines, including Radio Electronics, Electronics Now, Nuts and Volts, Servo, MicroComputer Journal, and Circuit Cellar. Fred has even done a few short feature articles for Design News. To date, he has authored four books and contributed to a fifth. He currently works as a PIC microcontroller consultant and is a Microchip Authorized Design Partner. Fred’s expertise also extends into the ARM community where he is a hardware and firmware design consultant. His customers include aerospace companies, machine shops, specialty startup companies, medical machine manufacturers, coin-operated device businesses, and various other research and development companies. He has a very close working relationship with Microchip Technology, the manufacturer of PIC microcontrollers, and has taught multiple Ethernet and WiFi classes at Microchip's annual Masters Conference.