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CEC Semester Twenty One 2022

Embedded Software Design Techniques

Jacob Beningo -
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software
June 20,
Software Architectures 101
Embedded systems designers today have a wide range of development environments and architectures available to them. In this sessionwe will explore the software architectural patterns that are available to designers today. Attendees will walk away understanding the differences between technical layersdomainsand micro-services.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
How to Rapidly Prototype IoT Devices using the B-L4S5I-IOT01A Discovery Kit IoT Node - Article
Use the OpenMV Cam to Quickly Start Applying Machine Learning to Object Detection - Article
Use the FPGA Fast Path to Building High-Performance Power-Efficient Edge AI Applications - Article
June 21,
Designing RTOS-Based Applications
Many real-time systems rely on an RTOS to manage timing and low-level features in the microcontroller system. In this sessionwe will explore how to architect an embedded application using an RTOS. Attendees will learn how to develop and verify their architecture.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
How to Rapidly Prototype IoT Devices using the B-L4S5I-IOT01A Discovery Kit IoT Node - Article
Use the OpenMV Cam to Quickly Start Applying Machine Learning to Object Detection - Article
Use the FPGA Fast Path to Building High-Performance Power-Efficient Edge AI Applications - Article
June 22,
Architecture Verification Techniques
It's amazing how quickly a well-architected system can descend into chaos! In this sessionwe will explore how to analyze our embedded software as we develop it to ensure that we maintain high coherence and minimize coupling. Attendees will walk away with new ideas on how to keep their architecture clean.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
How to Rapidly Prototype IoT Devices using the B-L4S5I-IOT01A Discovery Kit IoT Node - Article
Use the OpenMV Cam to Quickly Start Applying Machine Learning to Object Detection - Article
Use the FPGA Fast Path to Building High-Performance Power-Efficient Edge AI Applications - Article
June 23,
Designing Quality into Embedded Systems
Quality cannot be added to a system at the end of the development cycle‚ must be maintained at every stage. In this sessionwe will explore what it takes to build a quality embedded system. We will discuss how to analyze embedded systems for quality using complexitycycle analysisCI/CDand more. Attendees will walk away with the knowledge of what processes may work for them to improve their system quality and decrease time to market.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
How to Rapidly Prototype IoT Devices using the B-L4S5I-IOT01A Discovery Kit IoT Node - Article
Use the OpenMV Cam to Quickly Start Applying Machine Learning to Object Detection - Article
Use the FPGA Fast Path to Building High-Performance Power-Efficient Edge AI Applications - Article
June 24,
Software Configuration Management Techniques
The bane of many projects is how to successfully manage software configurations. Many code bases are used across multiple product lines and SKUs. Managing which features are included and which are excluded can result in complex spaghetti code. In this sessionwe will explore several techniques for managing configuration of a product that will simplify feature selection and minimize the opportunity for mistakes.
Course Resources
Special Educational Materials
How to Rapidly Prototype IoT Devices using the B-L4S5I-IOT01A Discovery Kit IoT Node - Article
Use the OpenMV Cam to Quickly Start Applying Machine Learning to Object Detection - Article
Use the FPGA Fast Path to Building High-Performance Power-Efficient Edge AI Applications - Article
Jacob Beningo
Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software

Jacob Beningo is an embedded software consultant who currently works with clients in more than a dozen countries to dramatically transform their businesses by improving product quality, cost and time to market. He has published more than 300 articles on embedded software development techniques, has published several books, is a sought-after speaker and technical trainer and holds three degrees which include a Masters of Engineering from the University of Michigan.