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CEC Semenster Undefined

Design Products With Bluetooth Low Energy

Fred Eady -
Owner, EDTP Electronics Inc. and Principal Engineer, Ongoing Systems LLC.
July 21,
The Out-of-the-Box Bluetooth Experience
ToDay's lecture will feature the Ana ren B-SMART BoosterPack development tool. The BoosterPack will be coupled with a Texas Instruments MSP430 LaunchPad development board to provide a working out-of-the-box MSP430-to-iPhone Bluetooth application. No Bluetooth or MSP430 knowledge is required.
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July 22,
Coding a Hardware Abstraction Layer
In toDay's discussion we will define Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) functionality and code a specialized HAL for the Digilent ChipKIT MX3's PIC32MX320F128H microcontroller.
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July 23,
Creating Schemas to Develop a Bluetooth Link
A schema is simply a description of available embedded resources. ToDay we will create a schema based on the embedded resources of the Digilent ChipKIT MX3 development board. We will also examine the firmware that is automatically generated as a result of the schema build process.
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July 24,
Design & Assemble a Bluetooth Low-Energy Embedded Device
ToDay we will put on our hardware hats and design and assemble a home-grown Anaren A2541 BLE embedded device hosted by a PIC32MX695F512H. The reference design concepts exposed in toDay's lecture can be applied to most any microcontroller that supports the C programming language.
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July 25,
Application Emulation Using Em-Browser & an iPhone
Em-Browser gives the developer total control of the embedded systems resources. ToDay we will use Em-Browser and an iPhone to emulate and debug an application targeting our home-grown B-SMART PIC32MX reference design.
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Fred Eady
Owner, EDTP Electronics Inc. and Principal Engineer, Ongoing Systems LLC.

Fred Eady is the owner of EDTP Electronics Inc. and is the principal engineer at the Georgia branch of Ongoing Systems LLC. EDTP Electronics was established in 1988. In the meantime, Fred has written thousands of magazine articles. He has written for all of the major electronic magazines, including Radio Electronics, Electronics Now, Nuts and Volts, Servo, MicroComputer Journal, and Circuit Cellar. Fred has even done a few short feature articles for Design News. To date, he has authored four books and contributed to a fifth. He currently works as a PIC microcontroller consultant and is a Microchip Authorized Design Partner. Fred’s expertise also extends into the ARM community where he is a hardware and firmware design consultant. His customers include aerospace companies, machine shops, specialty startup companies, medical machine manufacturers, coin-operated device businesses, and various other research and development companies. He has a very close working relationship with Microchip Technology, the manufacturer of PIC microcontrollers, and has taught multiple Ethernet and WiFi classes at Microchip's annual Masters Conference.