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CEC Semenster Undefined

Controlling Sensors Efficiently with MCUs

Warren Miller -
September 14,
Sensors in the IoT
Sensors will be, literally, the eyes and ears of the IoT. This class will describe several common sensors and their requirements for use in efficient MCU-based designs.
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September 15,
MCUs as Sensor Controllers
This class will review several key MCU features - like low power, serial communications, and data processing - that are critical for efficient MCU-based sensor implementations.
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September 16,
Example MCU-based Sensor Designs
Many MCU manufacturers have targeted sensor designs and provided reference designs and product examples. This class will explore some of these resources that can help you more efficiently implement your designs.
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September 17,
More Example Designs
This class will continue exploring reference designs and development platforms provided by MCU manufacturers to help you more quickly and efficiently create MCU-based sensor designs.
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September 18,
Future Trends
This class will review some of the most recent trends in MCU-based sensor designs in order to explore the future types of applications MCUs will need to address and the most likely enhancements they will need to be successful.
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Warren Miller